Do You Want to Be Made Well?

This Sunday we'll be learning the story of a man who was healed by the Lord at the pool of Bethesda. Before the Lord healed this man, He asked Him, "Do you want to be made well?" Which might seem like a strange thing to ask, because how could the answer be anything but yes? If we were to be asked the same question—if the Lord were to ask us if we want to be healed of our spiritual troubles—of course we would answer yes!

The catch is that saying we want to be made well isn't enough: we need to act like we want to be made well. And sometimes the gap between what we say and how we act is bigger than we realize.

Y0u're invited to join us this Sunday, as we consider what it means to act like we want to be made well—and thus what it takes for us to actually change our lives, and receive the healing power of our God.