Pittsburgh New Church welcomes a new Pastor!

At the beginning of July we welcomed our new pastor, the Rev. Jared Buss, together with his wife Justine and their three children. Here is a message from Jared:


I am delighted to be here. Justine and I have been very touched by the support we’ve received and the enthusiasm we’ve been met with as we’ve settled in, and we’re looking forward to many rewarding years as part of this congregation. I am honored to have been called to serve as pastor here. I’m eager to get to know the people who love the Pittsburgh New Church, and to work with them to share the blessings we find here with the community around us.


May the Lord’s peace be with you all.


New Church Day Pageant

On June 6, the Pittsburgh New Church held a worship service followed by a lovely New Church Day Pageant performed by the students of the Pittsburgh New Church School and a few young members of the congregation. Visiting Pastor Rev. Mike Gladish led the worship service with an introduction of the book of Revelation which thoroughly explained the events occurring in the play. Following the production, families were invited to stay for a BYO picnic along with lemonade and a beautiful cake made in the shape of the woman clothed with the sun.

Christmas at the Pittsburgh New Church

Join us in celebrating the Lord’s birth into the world and into each of our hearts!

Women's Christmas Gathering - Tuesday, December 6, 6:30 pm

Women, friends, and relatives of the Pittsburgh New Church community are invited to the Theta Alpha Guild Women’s Christmas Gathering at the Pittsburgh New Church.

You are invited to bring a sweet or savory snack to share.

Make a Christmas centerpiece or just visit with friends. College age and up.

Pittsburgh New Church School Christmas Program – Friday, December 14, 7:00 pm

Students will perform music and a Christmas play in the church auditorium.

The Christmas Sing – Saturday, December 15, 7:00 pm

All are welcome to a festive evening of carol singing in the pastor’s home.

Christmas Eve Nativity Tableaux Service – Monday, December 24, 4:30 pm

Our annual Christmas tableaux presents the Christmas story in a series of living pictures, including readings from the Word and carols sung by the congregation.

Christmas Day Service – Tuesday, December 25, 11:00 am

This brief, sweet service recognizing the Lord's birth into our lives can be one of the most peaceful moments in the year!

Love Over Ego


Starting this coming Sunday, we are launching a 6-week series on Love Over Ego. The series includes services based on the story of Daniel, and the option of joining a small group that will meet once a week for 6 weeks. Workbooks by John Odhner & Sasha Silverman will be available for purchase through the Pittsburgh New Church, or you can order your own materials online: http://journey.newchurch.org/programs/love-over-ego/. Contact our office if you would like to join a group.

Practicing Forgiveness

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Starting in February, we are launching a 6-week series on Practicing Forgiveness. The series includes forgiveness-themed sermons, Sunday school lessons, and the option of joining a small group that will meet once a week for 6 weeks. Workbooks by John Odhner & Sasha Silverman will be available for purchase through the Pittsburgh New Church, or you can order your own materials online: http://journey.newchurch.org/programs/practicing-forgiveness/. All are welcome to participate--invite your friends!